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Haylee Godfrin

Designer, Photographer, Artist

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Here's who I am & what I do

Haylee Godfrin is originally from Greenwood, SC, but currently resides in Piedmont, SC with her husband and daughter. Haylee started her college journey in 2016 at Piedmont Technical College in Greenwood, SC. After a couple semesters, Haylee decided to take a break from school and focus on working. During this time, she worked in customer service and worked as a freelance photographer in her free time. In 2020, Haylee decided to go back to school to finish the degree she started in 2016. She graduated in December 2021 from Piedmont Technical College with her associate degree in advertising design with a secondary specialty in photography. She started working in her field of study right before graduation and was head of marketing for a company in Spartanburg. Haylee decided to pursue a bachelor's degree shortly after and enrolled at Limestone University in Gaffney, SC. During her time at Limestone, Haylee has exhibited in the college’s juried show Creative: A Student and Early Career Artists Juried Show, along with her senior show Dream State. She has worked towards finding her own voice within her art during her time at Limestone. Haylee is inspired by dark and macabre themes, along with artists like Dave McKean and Sally Mann. She prefers to work with different media like photography, graphic design, and mixed media. Haylee’s art career goals after graduation are to continue to freelance as a photographer and graphic designer and to continue building Disco's Creations. She is also hoping help others find their way into the working art world. 

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